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Diana Shore
Di-watercolors Diana Nyren-Shore

   3521 E. Marco Polo Rd.
    Phoenix, AZ 85050
    Click here for Map

Contact Info:
   Phone: 480-231-4603
   Web: Facebook page at Di-watercolors
Artist Statement

I am a watercolorist. I love capturing moments in time. The way I do this best is painting with watercolors. Mastering the way the light hits my subject matter for example truly is my greatest accomplishment. i am a nature artist at heart and capturing that precise moment before it disappears is truly what inspires me most. I love capturing nature, flowers, landscapes and sunsets is what I enjoy best.
  Member Profile:

Diana Nyren-Shore is a watercolorist currently living in N Phoenix. She was raised
by artistic parents. She has always been inspired to see the colors in nature. Her mother would often say
was "O look at all the beautiful colors...the blues, yellows and greens" when looking at
nature. From a very young age art has always been a part of her life and
Watercolor has always been her passion and she uses the medium to express the beauty in
the world around her. Her work is rich in color with the transparent glow that watercolor is so well known for.
Diana states "I am on a personal journey discovering the nuances, fluidity and spontaneity that watercolor displays. I love the way watercolors flow and move, revealing the lights and shadows that I find so exciting. Nature is one of my greatest inspirations. There is a meditative quality there that I seek to express in my work."
Diana's subject matter consists of landscapes, floral's and still life's.
She works from photos and plein air. She paints on paper and canvas.
Diana received her art education through Moore College of Art, Philadelphia, PA and Old Lyme Art Academy in CT where she received instructions by well-known watercolorist David Dewey.
She continued her studies with Cynthia Peterson at Mesa Community College.
She also has taken a variety of workshops by many artists including Phyllis Bailly, CT, Marie Natale, NJ,
Dick Phillips and Julie Gilbert Pollard, AZ as well as many others.
Diana currently has had her work at various galleries and co-ops including Fountain Hills Art Gallery in Fountain Hills AZ, the Gilded Lily Gallery in Milford CT. She is currently is a member of the Sonoran Art League and The Scottsdale Art League in AZ. Also Diana has sold and won many awards through various Art organizations over the years.
Diana can be reached by calling 480-231-4603 or email at " and does accept artist commissions.

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